Monday, September 23, 2013

How To Improve Self Esteem

Low self esteem will rob you of your dreams. That's how serious this issue is.

 Sometimes, it may not even seem obvious to us that we suffer from low self esteem. Having low self esteem doesn't necessarily mean that you dislike yourself. You sometimes have to take a closer look at your behavior to identify problems with self esteem. Examine the choices you make every day, even the little stuff, to give you more insight into the health of your self esteem. Do you have problems with relationships, and seem to keep attracting men who don't seem to respect you, or never seem to feel as strongly for you as you do for them? Do you ever feel like you just keep giving and giving but nobody ever gives you anything back? Do you have problems disciplining yourself when it comes to drugs, food, alcohol, or men? Do you wish you had as much motivation, creativity or beauty as other women you know? These are just a few of the questions you should ask yourself.

 If you have low self esteem, you most likely either are not in a relationship or are not happy in the one you're in. You want badly to feel loved, to have someone who cares how your day went and thinks you are beautiful. But how do you ever expect anyone to love you like you want, when you don't even love yourself like that? Are you the kind of person that the man you're looking for is looking for? The unfortunate and tough answer is probably not. But the good news is, you can be. And it's as simple as making the decision to start living your life in a way that moves you farther down the path of a confident woman who sees herself as valuable and deserving of love.

 When I say it's simple, it truly is! The way you improve your self esteem is to be mindful of your thoughts. You just need to be willing to stop in the middle of a negative thought about yourself, discard it, and replace it with a new, positive thought. Next time you look at yourself in the mirror and start to think, "I really hate how frizzy my hair is," immediately redirect your thoughts to something you like about your appearance. Maybe you like your bright green eyes or the curve of your hips. There is beauty in every woman so if you have to stand in front of that mirror for an hour until you find it, you stand there.

Be brave. Dig deep for the courage to face yourself in the mirror and behold your own beauty. Allow yourself to savor it. Before long, your brain will be trained to start thinking in better ways about yourself! It's kind of like retraining your hair to part on the other side. Every day you go through the motions of brushing it repeatedly in the new way you want until it starts to relax and go that way naturally. So practice redirecting bad thoughts into appreciative, supportive thoughts about yourself until it becomes the default way you think about yourself.

 There is no miracle here. There is no grand solution. Improving self esteem is done through daily practice. To be willing to put the time into that practice, you must take that first leap of faith. Believe in yourself one more time--just enough to follow through with this daily affirmation, and you won't be sorry.

If you are a woman who struggles with relationships, it may be because of your self esteem. I highly recommend the following from my good friend Katarina Phang.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Open Your Mind to Self Love

With all of the struggles and pain we face as humans, it's no wonder so many are trying to figure out how to get happy and have self love.  If you aren't sure yourself, you're not alone.  Most people struggle with emotional pain far more than they let on, even to those closest to them.

Often, the root of our pain is our lack of self love.  Think about it.  When's the last time you had a harsh thought about yourself?  Maybe you felt disgusted by how you looked in the mirror after your shower.  Maybe you beat yourself up for scarfing down a couple of lemon donuts last night.  Or perhaps you worry that you aren't good enough for your partner.  All of these are very common ways to feel, but they're destructive in more ways than I can count.  We often don't realize just how much damage we are doing to ourselves by having these kinds of thoughts.  

The truth is, society can be tough on us.  So many ideas about what is good and beautiful are planted in our impressionable little brains before we even have a chance to intellectualize what is going on.  As children we understand that we are divine and perfect but growing up in this world can sometimes chip away at that natural self love.  

So the first thing you should do, no matter where you are in life, is forgive yourself.  Forgive yourself for everything you ever did.  Chances are, you have been a forgiving person when it comes to the people you truly love in your life.  So show yourself the same compassion and kindness as you have them by being willing to let go of all the painful feelings of resentment, loathing, and inadequacy that you carry with you.  Be willing to think about yourself in new ways.  Meditate on this idea for awhile.  If you truly want to know how to get happy, then your mind has to be open to it.

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I will post another blog entry soon, with the next step in the process of getting happy once and for all.  Until then, I will leave you with some book recommendations.  I wish you well, and thank you for reading.

What causes you pain? Please take my poll, and add your comments below!